Create the best recruitment exams for your business

No one knows your business like you.

That's why it's important to write your pre-employment Tests to assess new hires on the skill sets 'your business' requires using a reliable Quiz Maker tool for Business.

In minutes you can create and modify your pre-employment tests, asking the exact questions you need to assess new candidates on their skill sets and knowledge in your industry.

Creating your own pre-employment Exams simplifies your recruitment process, allowing you to quickly and accurately find the best employees for you and your business or Test for compliance to stay on top of your industries regulations.

Three simple steps:
1. Create your tests
2. Assign & Give Tests online via email or directly from your website
3. Review results instantly

Give Pre-employment Tests:

  • Send out a Direct link for your candidates to take instantly.
  • Embed your Pre-employment test directly on your websites "Jobs" page for instant applications.
  • Receive Test results in real-time via email and saved in ClassMarker.
  • Choose to show Test results to candidates or keep them hidden.
  • Ask graded & non graded questions to collect more information about your potential new hires.
  • Add your logo and brand your Pre-employment tests for a professional representation of your organization.
  • Specify time limits.
  • Set available date ranges.
  • Secure online testing can limit access to your exams.
  • Modify and create new tests anytime.
  • Give exam results instantly.
  • Create Tests and Quizzes in Multiple languages.

Testing & Training Staff online

Test your staff by giving custom exams you create in minutes.

Analyze skills by subject by categorizing your exam questions and then having questions selected at random from your question bank. This way your staff will never take the same test twice. A great way train your staff online with instant results.

ClassMarker is a Quiz maker for a variety of industries for tasks such as:

  • Assessments and Skills Testing and Compliance
  • Create Nursing Qualification Exams
  • Health and Medical Student training and testing
  • Creating Exams for the restaurant and food industry
  • Creating Recruitment and Pre-employment Tests
  • Making homework exams and pop quizzes
  • Aviation and Airline exams
  • Defense force Exams
  • Compliance HIPAA, Safety, Ethics, Human Resources, Policies and procedures
  • Quiz maker for Banking
  • Create Lead Generation quizzes
  • Call center training and exams
  • Energy and Fuel industries Staff Training
  • Trucking and Transportation exams
  • Pharmaceutical training and exams
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) quiz

View some of our Clients using ClassMarker as their Quiz maker and Assessment tool for Training and Testing.

How to Write Good Exams

ClassMarker Learn™ is a collection of resources created specifically to help users learn how to write great online exams.

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and create your first custom exams today - no credit card required.

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